KJ silicone vacuuming bag/ rubber sheet products/manufacturer:

silicone vacuuming bag rubber sheet products manufacturer

silicone vacuuming bag/ rubber sheet products:

+silicon rubebr sheet for EVA Film Encapsulating Solar Module Laminating Machine
high tear-resistant,
maximum width can be 3800mm with no joint
Product use: It is used for solar energy laminating machines, etc.
Product features: Keqiang adopts advanced techniques and special equipment, large drum-type vulcanization unit to develop the high tear-resistant silicon rubber sheet, which has a high level of stability, a good evenness and reliability, and its heat resistant up to 230.
+glass vacuum silicone bag for eva safety glass laminating machine

silicone vacuuming bag/ rubber sheet manufacturers:

Jiangyin Keqiang Industry Rubberized Co., Ltd.

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Published by cnc@cncGlass.com www.cncGlass.com EVA film glass interlayer

cnc@cncGlass.com www.cncGlass.com EVA film glass interlayer