High bubbles possibility-With Smart Glass Film sandwiched inside two glasses, the Pre-Laminated Smart Glass is easier to get bubbles than just laminating two glasses only.

80℃ Celsius Degrees Low Temperature Processing EVA Film for Laminating
PDLC FILM(Smart Glass Film, Privacy Film, Magic Film, LED Film)

www.SmartestGlass.com www.EVAfilm.com

+80℃ Celsius Degrees Low Temperature Processing
–Because of our patented modification of EVA Film formula, the CNC4SG
EVA Film can activate the cross-link reaction at 80℃ Celsius Degrees.
Due to this low temperature laminating advantage, when laminating
smart glass with CNC4SG EVA FILM, the smart PDLC film is only in the
80℃ Celsius Degrees environment and so can be protected from too high
temperature(other EVA film needs 130℃ to activate cross-link

+Bubbles Problem:
–High bubbles possibility-With Smart Glass Film sandwiched inside two
glasses, the Pre-Laminated Smart Glass is easier to get bubbles than
just laminating two glasses only. This problem has troubled the Smart
Glass manufacturer very much for long time, because Smart Glass Film
is high cost, they can not burden the cost of failure of laminating

+Bubbles Solutions:
–Advantage 1: Higher Melt-Flow-Rate. The main way we do is that we
specially modify a type of EVA Film for Smart Glass Lamination:
CNC-Force-4SG EVA, which is specially higher in Melt-Flow-Rate to make
the melting EVA Film can fill the glass and smart film surface more
easily and sufficiently to reduce the chance of bubbles. Less bubbles
means higher yield rate. High yield rate means cost reduction of your

–Advantage 2: Lower Viscosity. Second, we modify the Viscosity of EVA
Film to make the Melting EVA Film can go through and fill the glass
and smart glass film surface concave-convex more easily and
sufficiently to reduce the chance of bubbles. Less bubbles means
higher yield rate. High yield rate means cost reduction of your lines.

(Laminar shear of fluid between two plates. Friction between the fluid
and the moving boundaries causes the fluid to shear. The force
required for this action is a measure of the fluid’s viscosity. )

–Advantage 3: Dust-Free. The other advantage of CNC-Force-4SG EVA is
that the EVA Film is produced with MOST care of dust-free, no
contamination and cleanness.We specially pay highest attention to the
producing and package of CNC-Force-4SG EVA to make sure the EVA Film
is very clean and away from dust and contamination. Lest contamination
means higher yield rate. High yield rate means cost reduction of your

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Published by cnc@cncGlass.com www.cncGlass.com EVA film glass interlayer

cnc@cncGlass.com www.cncGlass.com EVA film glass interlayer